Category Archives: Newsletter

“The secret of winning in the stock market does not include being right all the time. In fact, you should be able to win even if you are right half the time. The key is to lose the least amount of money possible when you are wrong.”
-William O’Neil

“The secret of winning …


  • Hold Longs in Gold and Buy on Dips.
  • Silver accumulate or convert every dip as Buy.
  • Buy Equities on dips and book profits at given levels.
  • Sell Loonie, Buy Fiber once confirmed by Dollar Index giving close below 81.40 mark.

Equity: – We see this rally terminating around 5750-5800, therefore the short term traders can still HOLD on the long side and can even initiate fresh longs on small corrections with stop loss below 5430, however it will be prudent to get out of the index once it meets these targets and should start initiating shorts on any signs of trend weakening, as we see a decent correction post this rally and before the next leg of a more swift rally.  On the other hand the investors should embrace these corrections as the darkest hour of the night is already behind us .The best strategy once again is going to be- what other than the simplest thing- Buy and Hold!!

Gold: – In the month of May it has tested 50 EMA line which is emerging at $1526 level on monthly chart which was key support level where we have advised to buy for the month of June, so for the positional traders we would suggest that hold the commodities for the time being and just trail your stop. Now for the current month also we will keep our view as bullish on gold so for positional traders we would recommend that buy on $1530-$1550 level for the target of $1700 and $1850 level with strict stop loss of 1437 level.

Silver: – Based on chart and explanation above we would recommend that buy silver at $2700-$2650 level for the target of $3137 $3479 and $3750 level with tight stop loss of $2412 level.

Forex: – Any consistent close below 81.40 mark on Dollar Index will confirm our negative bias, and we’ll only review if Index close above 81.80 for consecutive two days.  We advise to stay out, if the Index plays in the range of 81.80 to 82.60, where Index enters into High Risk – No Return zone.

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The Board of Symbiosis Healthcare PLC is pleased to announce the opening of a private medical clinic in Harley Street.

The Symbiosis Healthcare – Harley Street clinic has been set up to provide same day confidential medical care, including discreet, personal consultations for all general medical matters, with additional specialist expertise in osteopathy, musculoskeletal medicine as well as STD’s, sexual health, and psychological health including in depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Continue reading

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The UK economy has slipped back into recession. Rising inflation! Stagnant Economy!

An environment when borrowers are benefiting and savers punished.

Leading economist are expecting a low-interest rate environment until 2015.

What should the savers and investors do?

Cash, inflation-linked long-term fixed deposits for low risk investors! William Albert Securities is doing one-to-one sessions with clients to discuss personal circumstances and investment options.


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China lowers the barriers for foreign investors

China Securities and Regulatory Commission

The minimum amount that fund managers must have in assets under management from $5 billion has been lowered to $500 million.

The China’s securities regulator also proposed freeing up access to the Chinese bond markets.

The above steps are directed towards making yuan into a global currency.

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FSA guidance to wealth management firms

Dear Stakeholders of William Albert Group,
FSA had organized an event in London for Wealth Management firms. The goal was to improve the quality and increase the standards.
I as the CEO made sure to attend, so that we could keep pace and ensure that our delivery of advice and service is amongst the best in the industry.
FSA expressed that more and more firms at all levels have failed retail clients because the firms have repeatedly failed to understand their clients. In some cases even if they have understood the clients, they have failed to advise clients on products which are appropriate and most suitable for them. Poor record keeping is adding fuel to fire.
We at William Albert would therefore like to request all our stakeholders to help us help them by doing few simple things
A. Please keep us informed of the changes in your circumstances (most importantly those that have any kind of financial implication)
B. We do annual reviews to make sure that we can service you with products which are most suitable and appropriate for you. Please encourage interaction with your account manager to make sure reviews are done in a timely manner.
C. Investment advisors are required to give you advice which is suitable and appropriate. If at any stage you have doubt, please feel free to write to me on I will be delighted to assist.
We applaud the efforts of FSA to protect the investors. We value the relationship with each and every stakeholder (clients, employees, suppliers, counter-parties, shareholders).
We hope to show you improvement in our services to you.
For William Albert Group
Samrat Deep Bhandari

Global Trading Strategy – June 2012

At current levels, odds are equal and risk-reward is not in favour of Investors, because we are very close to previously given targets and there is no signs of reversal or continuation yet; better Investor should wait for right time to re-enter the market. Continue reading

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FOREX strategy June 2012







In matter of twenty seven trading days Dollar Index is up by almost 6% from the base of 78.66.  Week on week basis Index is making higher highs consecutively in fourth week.  If we observe past behaviour of Index then it has a history of staying positive for consecutive five weeks, but average is four weeks in rising market.  Lots of fundamental factors involved in pulling up the Dollar Index, and one of the major factor we understand is devaluation of counter currency, which is the prime reason.

After achieving given targets, what further to expect from Dollar Index.

On way up Dollar Index has already breached 82.58 – 61.8% Fibonacci Retracement level of last Major fall from 88.70 to 72.69; Now immediate resistance comes at 83.50 levels, where we can expect significant supply pressure on Index. 

Momentum oscillator RSI which is currently trading at historic levels 77+.  In past two years this level was tested only twice, once at a top of 88.70 from where Index changed its Primary trend and remain lower for almost a year, and second in recent past of September, 2011 again from that level Index took a detour and lost almost 6% gains from highs.  This observation can be seen in attached chart of Dollar Index with RSI oscillator.

Dollar Index chart with Momentum Oscillator

Observation of Dollar Index will help us to evaluate individual Forex pairs, and will also guide us to build position in other markets too.  We have mentioned in our earlier monthly newsletter that built Long position in LOONIE (USD/CAD) above its major moving average, now its time to book partial longs.  Recently pair has tested 1.0364 levels and still bulls are active.  FIBER (EUR/USD) has reached all our targets, and breached all the crucial supports in recent past, made a low of 1.2335.

We all know that one is positively correlated, whereas other is negatively correlated pair.  Last one month’s rally in Index has put almost all pairs in overbought to oversold condition, and now Index including pairs is trading at their historic highs & lows.  Past observation help us to determine future trend, and currently it suggests that now there is limited upside on Index, mind it still there is no signs of waning, but risk reward ratio will not favour optimism.

It’s time to book partial profits on existing positions, and wait for right signal to re-enter.  At this level we can envisage two probabilities; one, Dollar Index find resistance near 83.50 odd mark and takes a detour from that level; secondly after facing resistance, retrace some previous moves and again resumes its original trend.  For the time being, we attach high probability to first scenario and will keep close eye on further development.

If we replicate above hypothesis on individual pairs, than, USD/CAD will face stiff resistance at ~1.0522.  And EUR/USD has nearest support at ~1.2150.

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Commodity Market Strategy June 2012 – Monthly bias remains up.

Gold- CMP (1571.55)

By looking at the monthly chart we can see that gold is making lower lows since last four consecutive months. In the current month, it has tested the intermediate support territory of $1532-$1522 level, however William Albert has already suggested to their clients and investors that keep your view as bearish from the $1700 level, so it is expected that they are seating on a profit. Continue reading

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