
William Albert Director attends World Future Energy Summit

William Albert Director attends World Future Energy Summit

Mr. Samrat Deep Bhandari, Director of WIlliam Albert Securities attended the World Future Energy Summit, in Abu Dhabi.
The team met, several CEO’s of World renewable energy firms.

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William Albert MOU with German Firm

William Albert Securities Director, Samrat Deep Bhandari signed an Memorandum of Understanding with Gulf Deutschland, in Dubai UAE for co-operation and business development in Europe and Middle-east

Mr. Syed Muhammad Ali signs the MOU with Mr. Samrat Deep Bhandari and Dr. Samir Said

Mr. Syed Muhammad Ali signs the MOU with Mr. Samrat Deep Bhandari and Dr. Samir Said

Dr. Samir Said, Mr. Syed Muhammad Ali and Mr. Samrat Deep Bhandari (right to left)

Dr. Samir Said, Mr. Syed Muhammad Ali and Mr. Samrat Deep Bhandari (right to left)

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Buy the Strengths and Sell the Weaknesses ………

Have you ever thought why few stocks tend to do well every time there is some trending move in the markets, while the majority simply lag behind or continue to trade within a range?

Why the stock that you missed, believing it to be expensive, thinking that it had already moved ahead of markets, and therefore time to avoid , instead continues to move higher , outperforms the markets and continue making new highs ? Continue reading

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